Feet is a project for the enhancement of excursion and cycle-excursion itineraries in the territory of Grezzana

Where does the project come from

The FEET project was born a couple of years ago from the desire to enhance the historical path network, largely still usable, but in some cases difficult to walk, present in the territory of Grezzana. The initial intention was to make the existing paths accessible to citizens and to make the points of historical, artistic and environmental interest that our territory is dotted with accessible and knowable.

In 2019 on behalf of the Municipality of Grezzana, the first study of the path network present in the area was carried out, detecting about twenty pedestrian and cycle paths for about 197 km in total.

Due to the pandemic that has hit our country strongly, the progress of the project has come to a halt which, however, has served to make the project even more ambitious. In fact, in 2020, the will expressed was no longer just to "fix" trails to make them accessible, but to create a real "project" of territorial enhancement that would bring benefits not only to the citizens of Grezzana, but also to the activities hospitality-tourism, commercial and all related activities in the area.

How we thought and built FEET

Expected results and objectives

I risultati e gli obiettivi del progetto sono molteplici:

  • Attendance of the territory with repercussions on people's health and better quality of life
  • Knowledge of the territory by resident citizens and tourists
  • Economic effects for accommodation and food and wine facilities
  • Enhancement of lesser known areas of the territory and their peculiarities

The 4 zones of the trail network

A - The west coast, Torricelle, Gaspari, Case Vecchie, Casotti, Monte Tondo, Monte Comun

B - The coast north of Stallavena, Lugo, Corrubio, Orsara, Lughezzano, Bellori, Corso, La Rocca

C - The central coast of Rosaro

D - The east coast, Montorio, San Fidenzio, Maroni, Gualiva, La Croce, Azzago and Santa Viola

Partners involved

  • Italian Alpine Club (CAI) Cesare Battisti
  • Asd Teste di Marmo
  • Asd Just bike team
  • Grezzana Pro Loco
  • 4th and 5th grades of the primary school of Stallavena
  • 8th district of Verona
  • Lessinia Destination Committee
  • «Sentiero dei 3 Santuari» Committee
  • Marble Consortium
  • Volunteers

The working group

Municipal Administration:
Deputy Mayor: Veronesi Federica Maria
Area manager: Cataldo Russo
Technical instructor: Piacentini Luca
Librarian: Cinzia Boldrini

Netmobility S.r.l. - with Eng. Marco Passigato

Executing company:
Tecnoverde S.r.l.

Cartography and historical, geographical and environmental consultancy:
Dott. Gianmarco Lazzarin

Graphic design, coordination and digitization:
Zanini ADV - with Riccardo Zanini

Virtual Tour:
Paolo Brunello

Photo and video material:
Paul Take Production


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